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tv   Newsline 30min  KCSMMHZ  March 19, 2012 6:00am-6:30am PDT

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help wanted. work wanted. >> translator: the reality is way different than the fantasy. >> translator: i want full-time work so i can earn a better living. >> young people try to find their place in japan's changing job market. some stick it out. others choose to get out. many young people in japan are mired in a tough labor situation. a government study shows that more than half the students in the class of 2010 either failed
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to find regular jobs or quit their work after a short time. according to the cabinet office, nearly 570,000 people who graduated from a university or vocational school found permanent jobs, but nearly 200,000 have already quit. some 140,000 of them were only working part-time. 67,000 students left school without finishing their degrees. the cabinet office says businesses are cautious about hiring due to the sluggish economy and it says some smaller enterprises are willing to hire but many students would rather work for large firms. >> translator: i don't even get around to job interviews. that makes me think how tight the labor market really is. >> translator: i was confident at the beginning, but now i often give up hope. that's the situation, really. >> the head of the career center
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at the university of tokyo points out many are leaving their careers because they can't deal with the stress. >> translator: many companies say students can't cope with mental strains. and that's also what we feel. during the first three years they aren't sure if they're doing things right. it's important. they feel that they have to stick to whatever they're doing no matter what. declassified south korean documents show that iran and north korea began military cooperation more than 30 years ago. they show that north korea began supplying arms to airan after iraq invaded in 1980. nhk world has more from seoul. >> reporter: the regulation is in the minutes of talks in october 1980 between south korean roh shin-yeong and the u.s. ambassador in seoul, william gleysteen.
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gleysteen said iranian military aircraft had made more than 20 round trips between pyongyang and tehran. he said u.s. officers believed north korea was supplying iran with ammunition. roh said south korean officers knew north korea was supplying iran with antiaircraft guns and anti-tank rockets. a report from the south korean embassy in tehran shows other north korean arms shipments. it says north korean ships are loaded machine guns, armed vehicles and other military equipment at an iranian port. the south korean papers also point to north korean military ties with other countries. they show that pyongyang sent 6,000 military instructors to 31 nations in asia, africa, in south america, between the 1960s
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and 1981. >> south korea condemned north korea's planned rocket launch as a disguise attempt to develop a long range ballistic missile to carry nuclear warheads. president lee myung-bak on monday met with members of his cabinet to discuss north korea's announcement that it will launch a satellite next month. >> translator: the north korean project is aimed at developing delivery methods for nuclear warheads. the plan is a grave provocation. >> the presidential spokesperson said lee will discuss the matter with leaders from japan, china and the united states at the nuclear security summit to be held in seoul next week. south korea estimates that the first stage of the rocket will follow falwell in fall into the yellow sea after the southwestern coast of the country. the second stage is expected to drop into the pacific ocean, 190 kilometers east of the philippines after it is shed by the ascending satellite.
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south korea's defense ministry plans to deploy a destroyer to retrieve the first stage in cooperation with the u.s. japan's defense minister says he may order the self-defense forces to destroy a rocket that north korea announced plans to launch next month. tanaka was speaking at a session of the diet. >> translator: i am considering ordering the destruction of the rocket after getting the go ahead from the prime minister. >> tanaka said the defense ministry would consider deploying the patriot missile defense system and egis equipped destroyers for the task. tanaka added the minister will take measures to protect the japanese territory. we spoke with an associate professor at japan's national graduate student for policy
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studies or grips. >> one possibility is that as the north koreans suggest, the launch is to mark the 100th anniversary of kim il-sung's birth. the timing of the missile launch is quite interesting from the military technological point of view. north korea has launched a missile twice in the past in 2006 and 2009. so there has been a three-year interval in the past missile tests. so if the missile is launched again in 2012, it would be consistent with this pattern. another thing that we are interested in seeing is whether the missile will have new features. the missile launched in 2009 had some similarities in terms of shape with an iranian missile. so we will see what they will show us this time. the second possibility is that north korea is engaged in the brinkmanship diplomacy to
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extract additional food aid from the u.s. if the u.s. agrees to provide significant amount of additional food or take comparable steps to satisfy north korea, pyongyang might decide to cancel missile launch. however, it would be difficult for the north korean leaders to reverse what they have already announced. so this is a scenario of lesser likelihood. there is yet another possibility. in 2000, kim jong-il, kim jong-un's father, suggested to then u.s. secretary of state madeleine albright a missile deal in which north korea would halt future rocket launches while the u.s. would sponsor satellite launches for north korean use. so north korea might make the same kind of proposal again in the near future. >> that was a associate
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professor from japan's national graduate institute for policy studies. japan's fire and disaster management agency has produced a video to warn of the danger of fires caused by earthquakes. household appliances started at least 140 fires in the immediate aftermath of last year's earthquake. the video shows a powerful jolt hurling clothes around a room. an electric heater then ignites the clothing. the room burns down in about 20 minutes. the video also warns that floor lamps and fish tank heaters can start fires. they tell viewers to turn off circuit breakers and electric devices after a quake. the agency will send a video to local governments and fire departments across the country, but also shows the film on its website. people in a city in southern france are reeling after a man with a gun started shooting at a jewish school. the attack happened monday in toulouse. at least four people are dead,
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three of them children. the attacker was on a scooter. he fired a gun at students and their guardians near the junior high school. local police and other sources say along with the dead, some people were wounded. the gunman fled the scene and investigators are searching for him. they're also looking into possible links to two separate shootings that happened last week near toulouse. three french soldiers died in those attacks. french interior minister claude gueant called on authorities to strengthen security at all jewish schools in the country. france jewish population is about 700,000. it is the largest in europe. makeup has always been a manual art. for trainee beauticians, mastering the skills can take a long time. but as cosmetics companies look to speed up their training process, one big name is applying the latest science. >> reporter: japanese cosmetics
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giant sishedo brought cutting edge technology to its training process. this highly sensitive finger sensor measures tactile pressure. it is the first of its kind in the world. the waves on the computer screen show how hard this beautician is pressing. the larger the waves, the stronger the pressure. they teeamed up with an electronics company to develop the device. it took them six years. the cosmetics company was unhappy with the time it took to train its beauticians. >> translator: please lift the wrinkles with your fingers. >> reporter: this shows how much pressure the beautician is applying. the waves are consistent, showing a steady pressure and an even pace. the upper chart shows a massage
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by a less experienced person. the small waves indicate the pressure is too light. they hope that its beauticians will learn faster if they see a visual representation of their movements. >> translator: when i see the wave, i can tell exactly how much pressure i'm applying. it is much easier than just listening to a lecture. >> reporter: trainees place the sensor either side of their fingertip. this leaves the finger's pad free to function naturally. the device measures how much a finger expands horizontally. the sensor can convert the subtlest change into an accurate visual display of a beautician's technique. >> translator: it used to be extremely difficult to illustrate makeup techniques and
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movements. i think this sensor will help staff improve and ultimately increase our company's value. >> reporter: the device has already led to the development of a hit product. shiseido studied data from the sensor and came up with this lipstick. tip has a distinctive shape. the new design has two plains instead of the usual one. with the conventional shape, it is hard to apply the lipstick with an even pressure. the large waves show where extra forces need it. but the new product is much easier to apply. the waves are small, showing gentle, smooth movements. the new design went on sale in january, and was an instant success. it is already the company's top selling lipstick.
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>> translator: this sensor taught us we need to consider factors such as movement and skill when developing new products. it opens up whole new area of possibilities such as products that will reduce the time a person spends applying makeup. >> the device already caught the eye of other industries. auto manufacturers have already begun using the sensor to design steering wheels with a more comfortable grip. and cell phone companies are using it to improve the sensitivity of smartphone screens. what began as a beauty aid is now influencing design in a multitude of feels. isn't that something? time to check on some of the stories we gathered from broadcasters from asia. we begin tonight with this item sent by rtn, malaysia. malaysian police on saturday rescued farm workers who were allegedly treated like slaves by their so-called employment agent for almost two years.
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officials from the immigration department of northwestern pannen state raided a building after receiving a tip-off from neighbors. the workers are from vietnam and nepal and include 42 women. initial investigations suggest that the agent took half of their wages and physically abused the workers. the women allegedly survived mainly on rice. police are investigating the cause -- the case under an anti-human trafficking law in trying to track down the agent who is believed to hold the workers' passports. thailand's government has launched a campaign to promote high quality food and the agricultural products. an official of the national bureau of agriculture commodity and food standards on monday awarded to 83 vendors in bangkok emblems certifying they sell high quality products. the campaign is being held at two major distribution centers to win consumer trust.
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unseasonable snowfall in northwestern parts of iran shortly before the country's new year took spring holiday travelers by surprise on saturday. in the provinces, the snow caused traffic accidents and blocked roads linking hundreds of villages to highways and forced school closures and flight cancellations. rescue workers evacuated thousands of travelers in the northern city of larajan in the western province. two hopefuls will advance to a runoff in the presidential election in east timor. the incumbent jose ramos-horta is a no bell peace prize laureate. he gave up his bid to win a second term after coming in a distant third in the first round of voting. the head of the opposition fretilin party francisco guterres garnered the most votes. former military chief taur matan ruak followed closely behind. vote counting continues after a saturday ballot.
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but neither of the top two candidates is expected to win an outright majority. they'll face off in a second round next month. >> translator: i would be available in whatever capacity to help the new president, to help the new government. they can rest assured. >> horta is east timor's first president after independence. he played a leading role in the struggle to gain autonomy from indonesia. but the president faced a head wind in his bid for re-election. voters are increasingly frustrated with the country's economic situation. 40% of a population is living in poverty ten years after independence. the al qaeda affiliate in yemen has taken revenge for an apparent u.s. drone attack. gunman shot and killed an american language teacher on sunday. a missile likely from an unmanned u.s. drone hit a militant stronghold in zinjubar.
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16 militants died. several hours later, a gunman shot an american teacher in the southern city of taiz. the militant said in a statement that the killing was a reprisal for the drone attack. armed men kidnapped a swiss language teacher in another incident last friday. yemenese inaugurated a new president last month after a year long uprising against the government. the al qaeda linked group has capitalized on the unrest. the militants now occupy cities and towns across the south. yemen's government is also battling pirates from nearby somalia. japanese officials are considering a plan to provide yemen with patrol boats free of charge. the plan emerged late last year after japan eased a ban on exporting military equipment. the change affected patrol vessels as well. the boats would be the same type used by japan's coast guard. japanese officials made an exception to the rules in 2007. they gave three patrol boats to
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indonesia to help stop pirates there. they would give boats to yemen as part of a official development assistance aimed at building peace in the region. the japanese government plans to send officials to the middle east to discuss the timing of the transfer. the pro baseball season opens at the end of the month with a new look appearing out of yokohana. hitting the reset button may be just what the team needs. >> reporter: the yokohama base stars with a new arm and became the yokohama dea base stars and have a new manager. he led the japanese olympic team to a bronze medal in athens 2004. >> hello. >> hello, nice to meet you. >> no problem. >> reporter: what do you expect
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of the new base stars? >> translator: i feel the team is heading in the direction that i'm aiming for. the players are more cheerful, lively and energetic. >> reporter: i can really feel the energy from all the players here, doing batting practice, fielding practice, but, you know what, it's really different from past four years because they're in last place from 2008. last year, the base stars sank to the bottom of the league, only one month into the season. they stayed there all the way to the end. the winning rate was just a bit over 30%. the performance discouraged fans from showing up at the ball park. attendance was the lowest of all 12 clubs and about a third of what the most popular team drew. this game that i'm playing, it's very popular among young people here in japan, and it's actually
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made by dna, the new owner of the yokohama base stars. a game company getting involved in the game of baseball, as an owner, it's a novel strategy. >> translator: by making game content that boosts interest in baseball among our users, we plan to increase the number of spectators. >> reporter: manager nakahata is pitching in to try to fill more of the seats, too. he's been featured in programs for fans as much as possible, appearing frequently on tv and in the press. the manager has high expectations for newly acquired outfielder alex ramirez. the venezuelan slugger came to japan after playing in the major leagues. he won the japanese home run and rbi titles in 2010. >> a lot of people expect me to go there and produce and hit,
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home runs and things like that, but i think the main thing for me is to help the guys to become more positive. >> reporter: baystars fans are positive about the changes in the atmosphere. >> translator: the team's gotten brighter. >> translator: nakahata is so enthusiastic that the players have become more cheerful. >> translator: there's much more excitement about the club than before. >> reporter: in the preseason, the baystars appear promising. >> translator: the more the fans' eyes are on the players, the more they will grow. the players will become players in a true sense when they feel joy in being seen.
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>> thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you very much. >> the new owners are trying to build on their experience with young people to expand the base of fans for their team and of course for baseball in general. and here are the latest market figures. let's get a check of the weather from mai shoji. mai, it is pretty warm across the northwest but the opposite
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here in japan. >> yes, michio, that's right. things are looking very wintry up in the northern areas of japan. we're expecting about 20 to 30 centimeters of additional snowfall in and around hokorikku region up towards hokkaido even. we may see some snow. but that will be tapering off. however, the winds are still going to be remaining strong. so any kind of small amounts of snow plus the windy conditions could give you blowing snow, which could be very dangerous for driving conditions. but out towards the pacific side remaining sunny and devoid from precipitation. also in the korean peninsula, northeastern china and mongolia, a couple of high pressure systems will be predominant, making things clear and calm. here in southeastern china, also in taiwan, lingering showers will be skirting across the area. sometimes it could be heavy at times, especially around hugen province and jongxi provinces.
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in the philippines, we have a storm still that will be moving in spreading showers across much of the country and some thundery activity could be possible. manila, 31 temperaturewise. and hong kong, 23 degrees, misty in the morning and then bright sunshine in the afternoon. we'll see some sunshine here in tokyo as well at 12 degrees. not too bad. and beijing also at 12 degrees, ulan batur 3 degrees with some snow. let's head over to the americas. things are getting nasty in the central portion of the united states. up in the north also we'll see some winter storm systems moving all the way north, dropping some amount of snowfall. we're very concerned with this area, especially in and around arklatex region, severe thunderstorms are possible to be making an outbreak. and heavy rainfall accumulating as much as 300 millimeters could be possible, especially in texas and oklahoma. taking a look at the outlook, anywhere you see the colored areas have chances of all these
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weather, flash flooding, damaging gusts, large hail, tornadoes even not completely out of the question to be unleashed. especially in and around texas and then towards arklatex is the area where there is very high risk. now, temperaturewise we're still looking at very warm surge, all the way out towards the north, especially the two-thirds of eastern and central portions, we're looking at these very warm temperatures to persist on washington, d.c. we saw the full bloom cherry blossoms today, 23 degrees on monday. and 22 for thursday. taking a look at what is going to happen here in europe, we have got low pressure system here and across the scandinavian peninsula as well as northern scotland where we have disturbed wet and windy conditions. out towards these areas, the remaining cold temperatures will be turning the precipitation into snow. a very potent storm system will be moving towards spain. it is going to be a lot of wet
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precipitation in which could be welcoming, but things could get actually very nasty. heavy downpours, even in the higher elevations snow could make appearance in the sierra nevadas here in spain and also hail could be possible. temperaturewise, 13s in london and paris. looking at madrid at 14. all the way towards bucharest, heating up to 18 degrees. here is your extended forecast.
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that's our broadcast for this hour on "newsline." we'll be back with more news in half an hour. i'm michio kijima in tokyo.
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thank you for watching. bye-bye.
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